Addition and Subtraction Can be Fun(足し算引き算パズル)

Addition and Subtraction Can be Fun (for i-Pad)「遊んでばかりいないで、ゲームしなさい!」GAME-INDEXの大人も子供も楽しめる知育ゲームシリーズ第3弾:”足し算引き算パズル”をリリースしました。

Stop wasting time, and play games instead!!
Addition and Subtraction Can be Fun (for i-Pad) is the third in our series of fun-and-educational games for everyone from kids to adults.

This arithmetic puzzle is fun for everyone from elementary school students to adults. Simply solve the addition and subtraction problems one by one by dragging with your finger. This puzzle not only helps kids to get great at arithmetic—it also aids in logic and thinking skill development. We offer two different levels: one for lower-grade elementary school students and the other for everyone from higher-grade elementary school students to adults. Download it now!