We’re happy to announce a series of free-and-fun games to keep your brain young forever,and stop dementia before it starts!

ボードゲームをやっていた方は、やってなかった方と比べてを約15%認知症のリスクが減少すると、Jean Francois Dartigues 率いるフランスの研究者チームが発表しています。20年かけて、3670人の調査研究の結果です。また、Bob Woodsの研究チームもゲームが発症のリスクを押さえるのに効果的であると実証しています。ゲームインデックスでは、認知症リスクを減らすボードゲームのシリーズを開発しています。デザインは、チークやマホガニーの豪華クルーザー、そのボードゲームをイメージしました。そして、高齢者が戸惑わない操作性など、各所に工夫を施してあります。
In a study conducted on 3,670 people over a period of twenty years, a team of French researchers led by Jean Francois Dartigues (“Playing board games, cognitive decline and dementia: a French population-based cohort study”) has found that those who played board games lowered their risk of developing dementia by 15% compared to those who did not play. Other research by a team led by Bob Woods (“Cognitive Stimulation to Improve Cognitive Functioning in People with Dementia”) has also indicated that game-playing delays symptoms of cognitive function loss. The design features the rich teak and mahogany that you find on luxury cruise ships. Plus, the entire series is geared toward easy operation for everyone from young to older people. Game Index is pleased to announce this series of games designed to keep your brain young forever.