Four-in-a-Row Anywhere (どこでも四目並べ) for i-Phone

connect4 iphpne「どこでも四目並べ」は、アメリカで大人気のコネクト4ゲームです。iPhone版です。だから、何時でも、どこでもゲームをたのしめます。ルールは簡単!垂直落下式ですので、空いてる場所の一番下をクリック、たて、よこ、ななめに4つ並べば勝ち。コンピュータとの対戦はもちろん、お友達どうしの対戦も楽しめます。使い方も日本語ヘルプがあるから安心。無料版はこちらをクリック! 有料版はこちらをクリック!
There’s a reason why Four-in-a-Row remains such a classic: it’s as much fun to play as it was when we were kids. Only the new Four-in-a-Row Anywhere is huge improvement on the original: no more plastic sets! Just pull out your iPhone and have a little fun with Connect Four anytime you want a little break?on the train, waiting in line, over coffee?anytime, anywhere! We all know the easy rules: just line up four pieces vertically, horizontally, or diagonally and you win! At Game Index, we make games featuring rich graphics and eye-popping colors that are not only fun to play, but beautiful to look at as well. Four-in-a-Row Anywhere is now better than ever! Click here for our Free Version! Click here for our Paid Version!